During an appearance on Hannity, Don Jr. called Adam Schiff the “Jussie Smollett” of Congress.
“Adam Schiff is basically the Jussie Smollett of Congress on steroids.“
i am deceased
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) October 3, 2019
The President is right, Adam Schiff should resign in disgrace, but the very least, he should recuse himself. He has lied to Americans and manipulated the media from the very beginning.
If @RepAdamSchiff aka #FullOfSchiff is willing to go on to the floor of Congress to lie and reinvent the words of President Trump, it begs the question: How far did he go to influence and orchestrate this anonymous and phony whistleblower complaint?
If @RepAdamSchiff aka #FullOfSchiff is willing to go on to the floor of Congress to lie and reinvent the words of President Trump, it begs the question: How far did he go to influence and orchestrate this anonymous and phony whistleblower complaint?
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) October 2, 2019
Newsweek reports Trump Jr., the president’s eldest son, railed against Democratic congressman Adam Schiff on Wednesday for allegedly lying to the American people about President Donald Trump’s conduct in relation to the Ukraine scandal.
Schiff drew Republican ire after he offered an embellished account of Trump’s controversial July phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during a hearing last week. In his statement, the Democrat said the summary transcript of the call “reads like a criminal shakedown” and claimed that Trump asked his foreign counterpart to “make up dirt” on his political opponent former Vice President Joe Biden. Following backlash over his remarks, Schiff later explained that his summary “was meant to be, at least part, in parody.”
Despite the clarification, GOP members and impeachment critics quickly moved to accuse Schiff of mischaracterizing Trump’s actions. Trump Jr. went a step further during an appearance on Fox News’ Hannity on Wednesday by calling the congressman “basically the Jussie Smollett of Congress on steroids.”
“If I lied, even a little bit in front of those guys like Adam Schiff has lied to the American people, and in front of Congress the other day, they’d throw me in jail for perjury,” Trump Jr. said. “He’s done it over and over. He’s probably the person that magically leaked my emails and edited them, which was the big CNN bombshell which made it seem like I got the WikiLeaks stuff a week before as opposed to a week after.”
This article was written by the staff of TheConservativeOpinion.com
By Jon Heltzel
Source: theconservativeopinion
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