If Elizabeth Warren is the Democratic Party nominee, it appears she will be running on a very unpopular plan to
Tag: Trump News
“Totally False” Trump Responds to Iran Claim They Captured CIA Spies
President Trump has taken to Twitter to respond to Iran’s claim they captured 17 CIA spies, including sentencing some to
WATCH: Trump Surprises Pro-MAGA Couple on Their Wedding Day!
President Trump gave a happy couple the surprise of their lifetime when he stopped in at their wedding day at
Biden Campaign Took Money from Executive With History of Abusing Women
Joe Biden’s campaign took money from a disgraced Hollywood executive who has been arrested and charged with assaulting women. Biden’s
Texas Reporter Watches Hundreds of Migrants Enter US in Just One Night
Recently, a Texas reporter based near the Rio Grande Valley area witnessed a stream of hundreds of migrants crossing the
Marianne Williamson Makes White People “Apologize” to Nearest Black Person at Event
As the race for the White House heats up, Democrat presidential hopefuls are stumbling over themselves in an effort to
BREAKING: Border Patrol Uses Tear Gas to Stop Illegals
According to breaking new reports, US CBP agents were forced to deploy tear gas canisters and pepper spray in an
HYPOCRITE? Bernie Accused of Paying Field Staff “Poverty Wages”
Socialist Bernie Sanders may now be a multi-millionaire, but some of his campaign field staffers are complaining he’s paying them
MSNBC Host says Trump Supporters Must Be “Confronted and Destroyed”
During a recent segment of his MSNBC program “All In,” host Chris Hayes disparaged President Trump and his supporters over
Murderer Who Judge Argued Was Too Old to Kill Again, Murders Again Once Set Free
Former Maine Superior Court Justice Robert E. Crowley clearly made an awful decision when deciding a murderer Albert Flick should