The 9th Circuit Court of appeals has delivered President Trump a victory that will effectively block most migrants from the

The 9th Circuit Court of appeals has delivered President Trump a victory that will effectively block most migrants from the
Recently, former Trump campaign adviser and White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci has publicly feuded with President Trump, creating a
President Trump has donated his Q2 2019 salary to the office of the Surgeon General to fund an upcoming public
Bernie Sanders has enlisted the help of rapper Cardi B. who supports him and has expressed disdain for Trump. The
President Trump hosted a rally in New Hampshire Thursday amid his latest feud with members of ‘The Squad,’ freshman Democrat
President Trump is likely to not be very happy with the latest Fox News poll which shows him losing big
Moments ago, President Trump joked about a protester removed from his rally. “That guy’s got a serious weight problem. Go
Alyssa Milano announced on Twitter her “plan for 2020” which consists of raising money for Anti-Trump rust belt states Trump
Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams appeared on Rachel Maddow and claimed “the RNC will be allowed to cheat and lie and
CNN’s Chris Cuomo has issued an apology on Twitter for threatening to throw a Trump supporter down the stairs for calling him